понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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how Nintendo is addicting. I have a mystery game that I am testing for Mom on my new Nintendo and last night I kept kicking it up to play for 5 minutes and then going back to making mittens and cooking and petting the dogs. I like to play but want to do other stuff as well so.........

Mom call Peter and then me at 6:15 this morning all ready for a day out. Iapos;ll be taking her out this afternoon to get manicures and to play nintendo again but ...6:15 A.M.?

Ah well.

Thanks to the Goddess I have enough and I will not complain.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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how to attract a virgo female

Psychics are often asked how to attract a Virgo female to do general
Readings for clients that call a psychic phone line. People that are
Usually seeking a general psychic reading are doing it for several
Different reasons. Some are doing it because they are trying to play
The game of, "test the astrology psychic" and others are doing it
Because they really do not know what they are looking for or even
Seeking. There are literally thousands of lost souls in the world today
And some people do not know how to communicate their feelings to others
In a way that is helpful and that makes sense to them. When you look at
Yourself in the mirror, you must ask yourself why you are try to find
Out how to attract a Virgo female doing what you are doing.

Some astrologers believe that they are helping someone to find answers
For their problem or situation that they are having during a live
Astrology psychic reading. The reason why you give psychic readings are
Far. Some people do it for the money and others do it because they
Really want to help people. For some, being a psychic is a true gift.
It is something that they always felt called to do all of their life
And now they are practicing it. There is an old saying that says,
"Where God guides, He provides." Sometimes we are called to take a
Break from doing astrology psychic readings and during that time God
May put you on vacation from doing psychic readings. If you feel like
Your astrology psychic business has gone down the toilet, then it may
Be time for you to take a break. During your break, you may be able to
Go back to school to study or to simply learn more about your psychic

If you are like Edgar Cayce, then astrology psychic readings are the
Way in which you earn your full time living. Edgar Cayce was a psychic
During his day and He earned his living by doing psychic readings for
People. He did not charge any set fee for his psychic readings. He
Instead depended upon donations from people who came to him for live
Psychic readings. However, this also put a financial strain on Edgar
Cayce and his family. Taking donations for psychic readings is one way
That you can earn money for using your gift. However, this is not
Always the best option since most people will tell you that they don't
Have any money or they will give you a $1.00 for a full length reading.
You have to do what is financially able for you to do. Some psychics
Have full time jobs outside of doing psychic readings and only do
Psychic readings on the weekend when their off from their regular jobs.

It's important for you to pray and to ask God what His will is for you
To do. Some psychics spend half of their lives learning how to attract
A Virgo female working a regular job and then start doing astrology
Psychic readings professionally when they are well into their late 30's
And early 40's. There is not right or wrong time to get involved with
Conducting astrology psychic readings. The most important thing for you
To do is to do an astrology psychic reading when you feel like you are
Ready, able and willing to do them. Most people spend years in
Preparation for their psychic ministries. Some people don't understand
Their own psychic gift when they first start out and that's ok. Just
Try to take things one step at a time.

When a client asks you how to attract a Virgo female to do a general
Psychic reading, then tell the client exactly what you are seeing
Without worrying about if they are going to like your psychic reading
Or not. It's important for you to accept that you are called to be a
Psychic to give people that they may not understand right away.
Prophesy is not supposed to be always understood. What's important is
That walk in your calling no matter what your circumstances are.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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The Bullshittilion Bale out package meant to stop the markets entering into free fall - well that really worked.

I should do a post on what is wrong with the "free" market and how the evolution of the "markets" coupled with the obscene mushrooming of the derivative markets reached the point that the convention and processes fund managers/investors/financial institutions used in making investment decisions basically became irrelevant and flawed - the rub here is that these conventions and processes only proved relevant to what had gone before and not what was coming up.

When you consider that sub prime mortgages where used to fuel/inflate/drive the American Economy (which is the global big cog) at a time where the overriding view was that there was no longer any risk as all risk could be dealt with by derivative instruments; it is no small wonder that the insanity and recklessness that has been prevalent in "the markets" and the manner with which the "economy" was managed has lead to a market melt down on a global scale.

I wonder whether the extent of the problem will reach the point where people in the western democracies that donapos;t have a strong domestic economy will begin to starve to death.

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Right now I owe $6,320 in student loans.

How much do you owe?

If you think the question is too prying, donapos;t answer it. Iapos;m just curious because Iapos;m considering going to NYU, and well, their financial aid sucks big time. Iapos;m just curious about everyoneapos;s debt at the moment and how they feel about it. How are you planning to pay it back? Deferring? Paying through tuition plan? Selling some unneeded organs?
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.


Yay tonight Iapos;m finally able to go out to Make It New again, going cause itapos;s Hilaryapos;s birthday (and to see someone whoapos;s awesome)� So you all should come out too.� Then tomorrow night weapos;re going to be down at Bukowskiapos;s getting our drink on for the actual day of her birthday- so again, come on down and get your drink on� Then Saturday of course is Sin-O-Matic which should be fun, Iapos;m totally looking forward to this weekend which for me starts right now.�

Right now Iapos;m deciding between sleep and food....why canapos;t I�have both at the same time?��Also I want to finish reading my book.� Ok Iapos;m going to do all 3 of those things now, peace out.
d1802, d1803, d1804, d1805.